C for Caring Companion

Chapter 3

Step was excited and scared at the same time.  It was the day of the Inspection and he wondered where he would be sleeping that night.  Would he stay in the orphanage or would some people take him home for the weekend?

He took special care dressing himself and combed his hair until it sat flat on his head.  The other boys were subdued, all wondering what was in store for them.  They filed into the Inspection Room, boys sitting on one side and girls on the other.  They sat in order of size, from the youngest to the oldest.  Step was the first one seated on his side of the room.  He looked across at Lottie, her ringlets swirling around her head as she glanced this way and that for her Foster Parents.

The door opened and the Parents walked in.  They came in twos or sometimes just alone, walking past each child and checking them carefully up and down.  A tall, thin woman with black hair in a bun and a pointy face asked Step his name.

“My name is Step,” he answered in a clear voice.

“How long have you been here?” she asked.

“Only two days,” he said.

“You look a bit scrawny to me.  I need a big strong boy to do lots of heavy work.”  She moved on.

Lottie disappeared with her Foster Parents. “So long suckers,” she called out cheerfully. “I hope I never see any of you ever again.”

Two of the biggest boys left with the tall thin woman.  They looked unhappy, realising they had a weekend of hard work ahead of them.  All they could hope for was that she would give them lots to eat and maybe pay them for their work.

Suddenly the crying girl appeared with her aunt.  Nurse Smiley sat her down in Lottie’s seat and the aunt moved swiftly away.  All the Foster Parents had left with the chosen children so Step realised he was staying at the orphanage for the weekend.  He looked at the small girl who was still crying and crossed the floor to talk to her.

“Hello, my name is Step and I have only been here two days.  Nurse Smiley is kind, the food is good and the beds are warm and comfortable.  It’s not such a bad place.  What is your name?”

“My aunt calls me Tear because I am always crying,” she said.  “I miss my Mummy and my Daddy and know I will never see them again so I can’t stop crying.”

Step was worried.  He had to get this girl to stop crying.  If they could be friends, he would have someone to talk to and someone to sit with when he ate his meals.  They could work together in the afternoon and maybe sit together in school.

“Look at me,” said Step.  “I’ll be your friend and help you whenever I can but you must promise me you will stop crying.  The other children here are not very friendly so it is always good to have an ally.  The world is not so bleak when you have someone on your side.”

Tear stopped crying and looked at Step. It had been a long time since she felt as though someone cared.  Even her aunt was always too cross and too busy to listen to her but now she felt something almost like happiness.

Nurse Smiley came into the room.  “Come with me Tear and I will show you to your room. Then you can have your lunch in the Mess Hall with Step.”

For the first time Step looked forward to eating a meal.  He picked up a tray, collected his soup and bread and sat down at the end of a bench.  Soon Tear came into the room so he waved, and she came over to join him, balancing her tray of soup with great care.

He told her all about the school and hoped she would be in First Class like he was.  Maybe they could sit together?  Then he talked about the afternoon jobs and warned her not to peel potatoes with a knife.

Nurse Smiley came into the Mess Hall.

“Children, listen up please.”  

The buzz in the room stopped and all eyes looked at her expectantly.

“Of course, you will have your jobs this afternoon but as a special treat, because you did not get chosen today, we will be having a projector night after dinner.  The film we are going to show today is called Pollyanna and is about a girl who is always glad about everything.  I hope it will make you feel glad that you are looked after and cared for at the Opera Orphanage for Unwanted Children.”

The children clapped and cheered.  They all carried their plates to the kitchen and looked at the roster to see what their job was for that afternoon. Step was on washing up but because Tear was new she wasn’t on the list.  

Cook glared at Step. She had eyebrows that ran in a straight line above her eyes and looked very ferocious. “You again!  How do I know you won’t slice your hand with the big knife and turn the water red with your blood?”

Step promised to be very careful and put a glove on the bandaged hand. Tear was given a tea towel and told to wipe the dishes until they were perfectly dry.  They worked away happily and talked about all sorts of things, including the film they were going to watch that night.  Life at the orphanage wasn’t so bad after all.


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